The Third Line of Work for the Fake Fourth Way School
The Nuts and Bolts
In The Christmas Party and How to Join a Cult, I spoke of the “third line of work”. This series of posts explore how the “third line” devours “school’s” most stellar and devoted disciples.
Recently, blog-contributor, River of Joy, wrote:
“I have come to the conclusion that usefulness = being used … The students that are most ‘useful’ to “school” are the ones who are the most successful at recruiting and/or who give the most money to Sharon. They are the good students, the ones smiled upon and praised. In reality, they are the ones who are the most used by “school”. They give away all their spare time and energy to the recruiting effort, and/or all their cash goes to Sharon to buy red bathtubs and the like. The term ‘usefulness’ is more palatable and easier to swallow – who wouldn’t want to be ‘useful’? It sure beats its opposite, ‘useless’. We were all so cleverly manipulated, I’m sad to say.”
“Teachers” often bandied about the word “useful”, especially when “school” needed “students” for its super-secret missions. “School” equates those who contribute to its super-secret aims — and thus are “useful” — as those whose efforts feed that which “comes from above”; work towards that which is greater or higher. When teachers unveil third line of work”, the anointed learn that “work for school” is the link to evolution, to conscience. Without it, evolution is not possible. To evolve, we need a vertical force, a higher purpose, to come down from above and intersect the horizontal trudge of the caterpillar. This “third line of work,” we are told, is the force that can transform us from caterpillars to butterflies and our lives from endless one-dimensional consumption into a colorful, three-dimensional existence of fully realized potential. Efforts that are “useful” for school are paramount and will yield the supreme payback …of course, that’s if your efforts are “of the right kind.”
Lucky us! Most humans are not granted this grand opportunity. Sleeping humanity has twisted and convoluted religion to the point where it no longer qualifies as “higher and finer” in “school’s” view. But we have the bigger-than-we-are, super-secret, unspoken “higher aim” of keeping Sharon comfortably housed in Manhattan’s Park Plaza. We have access to true higher conscience and evolution through our efforts to keep her suitably drunk and medicated. (Ironically, many newer “students” don’t know Sharon exists even though their efforts feed her financial coffers).
So, understand, Sincere Seeker, that everything else must step aside for this work, but do not be dismayed, because a “rightly ordered life” – with “third line” at the top – will inform and order other life things rightly – like a trickle-down effect – onto work, family and friends. Make the efforts, and you’ll see.
Allegedly, “school” grants the “third line of work” privilege after students have put in sufficient effort to awaken and evolve. Of course, we don’t know who determines our “readiness” and why. Call me skeptical, but I suspect it is driven by a sudden drop in student numbers or Sharon’s urgent need for a second red bathtub –rather than our spiritual growth. Many former students admit to handing over tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars after being treated to extra doses of attention and being singled out to participate in “something special” to help “school” survive and continue.
In terms of what determines ones “readiness” to engage in recruiting, I think the cynical approach is correct. Not only does Sharon need a constant supply of red bathtubs (I’d love to hear more about that by the way…), but the people who have been recruiting for a long time have gotten burned out by the constant, unrelenting grind of it.
From your account, you were put to recruiting much earlier than those of my group. I am quite sure that is due to a lower level of success by the veterans. Additionally, it has seemed to become more difficult in general to bring new recruits. People seem to be more sceptical, which is a good thing. Another problem is the increasing average age of those doing the recruiting. The people who are likely to be susceptible to the pitch tend to be young, in their 20’s or early 30’s. Someone in his or her 60’s is less likely to make a strong connection with the target demographic. And I think we can’t discount the effect of the ever-growing group of people who have experience with the group either by having been in and escaped, or by an unsuccessful recruiting attempt. One of the things I was amazed at was sitting in 3rd-line meetings, discussing people’s lists and having someone chime in that she had already tried to recruit so and so. It happened more often than you might think likely. And, sadly, the economy has probably had an effect with many fewer people willing and able to shell out the money for a dubious purpose.
For all these reasons, as well as the rate of escapes over the last several years, “school” is hemorrhaging people faster than they can be replaced. I foresee a limited supply of red bathtubs in Sharon’s future, unless she wants to pay for them herself.
I have been thinking about the expression that was often used that one’s aim should be to be “eaten by a higher level”. Your post on the 3rd line of work has caused me to think about this.
It is one of those ideas that seem right when one is in “school mode”, but now seems a bit off. School did indeed feed off of us. It drained us of money, time, energy and future possibilities. And all of those things went to feed Sharon’s personal wealth.
In connection with this, I recall Gurdjieff’s statement in “In Search of the Miraculous” that students cannot know what the aims of a school are, and that the aim of a school is not the evolution of its’ students. It is up to the students to get whatever they can from their connection with the school.
Now I have to say that at this point, I am unsure how to think of Gurdjieff himself. I don’t know if he was authentic, or just a self-serving charlatan like Sharon. Certainly some of his behavior suggests the latter. On the other hand, many of the ideas still seem right.
What I AM sure of is that Sharon has badly mis-used the ideas. Being eaten by a higher level should be about personal transformation, transforming that in ourselves which is less than perfect into something else which is perfect, much like the caterpillar-butterfly analogy. (Although, the caterpillar is perfect in its own way!) It should not be about giving everything you have to offer and getting in return only a diminished existence.
Hi Odysseus –
Thanks for your thoughts:
“I have been thinking about the expression that was often used that one’s aim should be to be ‘eaten by a higher level’.”
Reading this makes my skin crawl. It reminds me that we spent a great deal of time in school talking about Martin Luther King and his Civil Rights crusade. If I was being “eaten” by such a campaign — as he was — I would feel that moral sense of purpose. “School” appears to equate itself with King’s actions, as though its purpose truly is to set people free and campaign for dignity and human rights. How seductive for those of us who ache to connect with a higher purpose and live a more meaningful life. Ironies abound, eh.
What a fucking farce.
“In connection with this, I recall Gurdjieff’s statement in “In Search of the Miraculous” that students cannot know what the aims of a school are, and that the aim of a school is not the evolution of its’ students. It is up to the students to get whatever they can from their connection with the school.”
How convenient for “school”. I don’t know about Gurdjieff. I have to admit, I haven’t been able bring myself to read his work extensively. As I learn more about him, he seems like another charming sociopath, who studied ideas and started a cult. Is there some reason to think otherwise that I am missing?
Gurdjieff was “sly”..or maybe just creepy. His teachings were not straightforward and always involved mis-direction and cunning. WHY?
No wonder horn and gans used/use Gurdjieff as their bait…
Does some of the work itself have credibility? I think so as it is based on tried and true principles. Of course these teachings were not Gurdjieffs himself but ideas and principles he gathered from others….
Rodney Collin writes with love and a willingness to be straightforward and real. Gurdjieff …not so much …always working an angle trying to be clever …
A REAL teacher doesn’t TRY to be anything…… except Authentic.
This creepy guy is so highly revered in “school”. It’s so disturbing.