If you’re interested in the latest in legal, the blog Clever Sincerity has a couple of updates:
1) Additional URLs to Access Clever Sincerity: Last spring, the New York court system served me papers; specifically an order to disclose the identity of “sleepwalker”, the creator of Clever Sincerity. The papers claimed this:
“The Respondent is the only individual in possession of the ip address, email address and other information relating to the Unknown Defendant. By Respondent’s own admissions, she has engaged in conversations with the Unknown Defendant. The Petitioners are unable to pursue their claim anonymously against the owner of the subject website, and therefore must use the information solely within the Respondent’s possession to learn the owner’s identity.”
The Petitioners were/are seeking to sue this person and remove a dossier from the blog. The truth is I have no idea who Sleepwalker is — but that story is for another post. For now I’ll just say, I gave them the information “solely within my possession”: two anonymous emails (one of which was included in the “order to disclose” that they served to me), a screen shot of the “offending comment” (I guess this was my admitted “conversation“), and an IP address located in Germany. It appears that the petitioners are now trying to remove the blog.
2) Joseph Stilwell undergoing SEC investigation: I know of at least two law suits filed by Stilwell against “disgruntled ex-students”. Apparently, Stilwell is now also suing the SEC: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/01/us-sec-stilwell-idUSKCN0HQ4V920141001